Trust Advisory Committee: Nominations re-opened

In the September round of nominations, the Yued Charitable Trust did not receive enough nominations to re-establish the Trust Advisory Committee.

The Trustee has re-opened nominations for their Trust Advisory Committee for 2023. Nominations close Friday, 8 December 2023.

The Trustee for the Yued Charitable Trust is calling for nominations for the Yued Trust Advisory Committee (TAC).

The Yued TAC has seven (7) vacancies to be filled in 2023. Terms are for three (3) years, and TAC Members cannot service consecutive terms.

Consider nominating yourself for the Yued TAC to lead and represent Yued people in decisions that will affect trust distributions and the development of new policies to serve Yued people.

To be eligible for the Yued TAC, you need to demonstrate:

  1. Yued Connection

  2. Financial literacy

  3. Leadership experience

  4. Have no criminal convictions relating to fraud, or a civil offence other than traffic

  5. No conflicting commitments with that of the Trustee.

Time commitment will be quarterly for committee meetings. However, it is expected that you are available to assist in developing and finalising a range of important deliverables, including the strategic plan, Trust budgets, Trust distribution policies, Investment Policies and Annual plans.

This role is remunerated, and travel allowance is available to TAC Members who need assistance to attend meetings in line with ATO standard rates.

Please contact the Trustee for more information on how to nominate yourself, and what other criteria are involved in the nominations process.

The Yued Charitable Trust is NOT connected to the Noongar Boodja Trust. Therefore, the Yued TAC is NOT related to the Yued Aboriginal Corporation Board of Directors or the Yued Aboriginal Corporation Cultural Advice Committee. The Yued TAC advises the Trustee on the Yued Charitable Trust matters.

Nominations are due by Friday, 8 December 2023.

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