The Yued region refers to the Noongar language or dialectal group north of Perth. Towards the south of Yued is Whadjuk, to the east is Ballardong.
The Yued region includes the towns of Leeman, Jurien Bay, Cervantes, Two Rocks, Toodyay, Gingin, Calingiri, Dalwallinu, Coorow and Moora. The approximate size of the Yued region is 29,253.825 sq km.
There are a number of significant sites in the Yued region. These include caves, some of which are the homes of mythological beings, ceremonial sites, rock art, paintings and artefacts. This region is well known for the Moore River Native Settlement which was opened in the 1920’s under the auspices of the Chief Protector of Aborigines, AO Neville. Other sites of significance in the region include the Moora Reserve, Mogumber Mission and Walebing Reserve.
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Meet the members of the Yued Aboriginal Corporation Board of Directors and Cultural Advice Committee.