Message from Yued Chair

Dear Members of the Yued Aboriginal Corporation

It is with great sadness that the Board of Directors publicly apologises to the Yued Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) members who attended the YAC Special General Meeting (SGM) over the weekend, and who were aggrieved or upset because of the inappropriate behaviour, mannerism, and breaches of the member code of conduct.

The Directors and staff have initiated relevant action to ensure this behaviour does not occur in the future, and we assure you that persons responsible for their individual actions will be held directly responsible for any proven breaches of the member code of conduct, the YAC Rule Book, and the Corporations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006 (CATSI Act).

Yued Aboriginal Corporation does not, and will not, condone aggressive and unruly behaviour and will apply all respective consequences as set out in the member code of conduct, the Rule Book, and CATSI Act in due course.

YAC continues to promote inclusive, safe, and productive environments for all members, staff, and stakeholders, and we appreciate your ongoing support in continuing to implement the Yued Indigenous Land Use Agreement for the betterment of all Yued agreement group members.

Your sincerely, 

Gail Beck, Chair
Yued Aboriginal Corporation


Funding to develop a Yued Ranger Program


Yued Director Election: Notice from the Returning Officer